Beckham turned 18 months old a few weeks ago, but things have been so crazy that I haven't had a chance to post. At his check-up he weighed 23 pounds and was 32 1/2 inches long. His vocabulary has exploded over the past month and some of his favorite things to say are "I want down", "Ma" (which is Makenna), "sissy", "go-go-go", "ball", "I'm done", etc. He loves to read and play outside and he is definitely just all boy. I also had planned to take his 18 month pictures, but everytime we were going it was either raining or extremely hot so those will come soon.
We had a pretty fabulous family weekend. Yesterday morning we headed out early and ate breakfast at a small cafe near downtown, the Brown Egg. It definitely wasn't our favorite place, but it wasn't bad either so we might possibly venture down there again. We then headed to a local nursery to get a few more plants and flowers for our beds and pots and then went to the new farmer's market in town. We loaded up on fresh strawberries, asparagus, bread, tomatoes, and grass-fed beef and let's just say we had a great dinner last night. After all that we headed home and I began working on some craft projects I needed to get done (retirement gifts for co-workers and teacher appreciation gifts for Makenna's teacher) while everyone else rested. We spent the rest of the day just hanging out at home, grilled some dinner, the kids played outside in the water (yes, pictures will come of that soon), and ended the evening watching "We Bought a Zoo" after the kids were in bed.
Today, we finished planting all our plants, I finished a new landscaping project in the backyard and just mowed. We decided to not go to church because I knew we had several hours of yardwork to do and we wanted to get the majority done before the afternoon got so warm. We then spent the afternoon and evening hanging out as a family and we just now got both kiddos to bed.
This week should also be an amazing one because we are celebrating two groups of people near and dear to us--teachers and mothers. Don't forget to honor those in your lives that fall into either or both of those categories.