Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Nice Weekend

This weekend wasn't too busy, but we got a lot accomplished.  Friday night we dropped the kids off at their babysitter's church because they were hosting a parents night out and Justin and I had a night out without the kids.  We headed to a local Japanese place downtown and had some sushi and then went to a frozen yogurt place for dessert.  It was a nice evening and the kids also enjoyed themselves.  Makenna keeps asking when she can go back.

Saturday was spent working on cleaning out the kids closets, other housework, and yardwork.  It was a nice, laid back day, but we did get a lot accomplished.  We topped the evening off with grilled pizza and a movie.

Today was a special day for us at church.  We dedicated Beckham and pledged to raise him in a Christian home.  This is something Justin and I have always done, but doing it publicly just reminds us of this important task we have a parents.  After church we grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed home for another relaxing afternoon.  While everyone else napped, I signed Makenna up for summer soccer camp and I ordered Justin's Father's Day/Birthday gift.

Currently we are glued to the TV as severe storms are moving through the area.  The week ahead will be busy, but it is the last week of my regular school year.  Unfortunately, I don't get done with work until the end of June, but it is nice to know that come Friday I will have another year of teaching under my belt.

Hope everyone has a great week!

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