Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ready for the Weekend

Night one of Parent/Teacher Conferences are complete.  Now only two more days of school and one more long night and I am free from school for 3 days.  That's right--no school for me on Friday.  I feel like a little kid again being so excited for no school, but I really just need a break.  Justin is also off work on Friday so we plan on just having a good day of family fun.  We have made it a family tradition--okay last year was the first year, but we plan on making it a tradition--for us to both be off work the last Friday in October and just spend the day as a family.  We are goingout to eat breakfast and if the weather cooperates we might take Makenna for some more photos with the beautiful fall trees.  We are also going to take Makenna trick-or-treating at Justin's office and we might take her to a trunk-or-treat Friday evening at a co-worker's church.  Justin was also supposed to be "on call" this weekend, but luckily someone asked him to trade, so now we can enjoy Makenna's 2nd Halloween without any distractions.  We will make sure to post some pictures of our little Halloween monkey.

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