Friday, December 14, 2012


From the words of a children's book...What a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.  The events that occurred today at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT is simply very tragic and unnerving.  I couldn't even bring myself to watch any TV, surf the web, or check updates on my phone until about 5 o'clock this evening because as an educator myself, I just can't imagine what school officials, students, parents, and members of this community have gone through today.  To be is a living nightmare and I just can't make sense of any of this.  As teachers, parents entrust us to care for their kids and today, there were 40 parents who once again sent their children to school thinking this would be another day of learning.  Tonight they will go to bed with any parent's worst nightmare sadly being a reality for them.  I know everyone has their opinion on how this could have been prevented, etc., but let us know forget that the lives a many were forever changed today by the acts on a single person.  I pray that these families and this community find peace and comfort from the Lord during this time of grief and that we as a nation, instead of pointing fingers or looking for answers, simply remember that tomorrow is not guaranteed and to rest in the everlasting promise of our Almighty King.  And don't forget to hug those you love a little tighter tonight.

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