Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Fun Beginning to Spring Break

Yesterday afternoon I noticed a bump on Makenna's arm that looked like a bug bite and I didn't worry too much about it since she had played outside yesterday morning. However, by the time we got her ready for bed last night she was broken out all over, so this morning Justin took her to the doctor once again. I had a dentist's appointment (more about that here in a minute) so I couldn't go. Well, it turns out she had a reaction to the antibiotics she was on for her ear infection. We have been to the doctor more in the past month, but hopefully this will be the last trip for a while--besides her check-up.

As I mentioned above, I went to the dentist this morning. I hadn't been in a while because I was scheduled to go about the time I found out I was pregnant and I have since just been putting it off. So, considering it had been over two years since I had seen a dentist I could say that it went pretty good overall, however, they did suggest that I have my wisdom teeth removed because one has a cavity and that they are prone to infection. However, the dentist said that there really isn't any rush to have that done, so I will probably put it off as long as possible. They also suggested that I have a consultation with an orthodontist about the possibility of getting a bottom retained to correct on overbite. I will probably have the consultation sometime just to see how much it would cost and what the consequences would be if I did nothing, but once again I will probably postpone that as long as I can.

We only have two more days until we head down to Branson. I just hope Makenna's rash clears up so that we can all enjoy our time.


Lauren said...

Oh poor baby---I hope she gets to feeling better. And as for you young lady...;o) that's what you get for putting off your dentist appt...just kidding, I'll bring you a milkshake when you have your teeth taken out! Enjoy your weekend!

Lindsey said...

I'm just now looking at her pictures. I can't believe who she looked then compared to on Thurs. How is she doing now?? And about your wisdom teeth. I hear having them pulled is better then have them cut out, that's what I had done!! Horrible I would have more kids before I would have that done again!! Anyways good luck and keep me posted!!