Monday, March 21, 2011

What a Day

This is the fourth spring break that we have experienced with Makenna and let's just say we don't have a good track record.  I don't remember anything happening in 2008.  In 2009, this happened.  Last year, we had a great trip to Colorado, but caught caught in a snowstorm on our way out there.  And, we are only a few days into break this year and we have already had our share of frustrations and scares.  I will start at the beginning.

Makenna has been running fever off and on for ten days.  Justin stayed home with her on Monday of last week because she still had a fever, but then she got better.  She was fine Tuesday through Friday morning, when she once again woke up with a fever of 102.  We decided it was time to take her to the doctor so Just took her in that morning during the early morning hours where they have a walk-in clinic and you see the on-call doctor.  Just our luck, the doctor on call was the once doctor at our ped's office that I don't care for at all and we didn't find anything out.  They tried to see if Makenna would give them a urine sample, which of course she wouldn't, so we pretty much wasted a co-pay and a lot of time to find out absolutely nothing.  She then got better and was fine until yesterday afternoon when she woke up with another high fever.  Being Sunday, we gave her Tylenol and she returned to her normal self.  This morning she woke up saying she didn't feel well, but she didn't have a fever--until about 11:30.  She fell asleep in the recliner watching Dora and when I felt her she was burning hot.  I took her temp and it was 104.2.  I called the doctor and they told us to come in at 1:15.  In the meantime, I gave her more Tylenol and tried to get her to drink as much water as possible.  We got to the doctor's office, and they once again checked her for all the typical things--strep, ear infection, etc. and still nothing.  They told me they really needed a urine sample and we tried for two whole hours to no avail.  At that point, the bad turned to worse very quickly.  Since she wouldn't go pee by herself they had to use a catheter and that was terrible--I think it was worse on me than it was her.  While waiting for the results, she once again started burning up and began to break out into a sweat while shaking.  It was terrible.  Of course, everything in her urine was fine, so we went to the next step--going to the hospital for xrays and bloodwork.  We had to do a bunch of paperwork in the outpatient department and then we played the waiting game to get the xrays and bloodwork done.  Makenna, however, did very good during it all and by the time it was over, she was back to her normal self.  The doctor called with the test results before we even got home and she has walking pneumonia.  We started her on medicine tonight and hopefully she will be better by tomorrow.  But needless to say, it was a long day, but we are thankful to have answers to why she has had a fever for 10 days.

We are still planning on taking our little trip to Branson at the end of the week.  Makenna is so excited about it and we are hoping the medicine will kick in.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Poor girl! I'm so glad you found out what's wrong with her, but I can't imagine that was much fun for any of you! Definitely thinking about you & praying for Makenna!